Крем для тела «Манго»  Swiss Nahrin, Швейцария:uz:Mango body Cream Swiss Nahrin, Switzerland

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Mango body Cream Swiss Nahrin, Switzerland

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504 000 so'm /dona
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Short description: Mango Body Cream is based on mango butter for dry, sensitive skin. Perfectly restores, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, has a regenerating effect
Categories: Beautiful skin, Beautiful Hair, Body Care
The Mango Body Cream Nahrin is based on mango butter for dry, sensitive skin. Perfectly restores, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, has a regenerating effect. The rich composition of the cream (proteins and vitamins A, B, C, E) takes care of the skin and makes it soft and silky. It has natural sunscreen filters. Suitable for problem skin with eczema and psoriasis..
Active ingredients:
Mango butter, jojoba oil, carite oil, aloe vera juice, vitamin E.
The effect of the drug:
• Anti-inflammatory effect
• Moisturizing and nourishing the skin
• Regenerating properties
• Regulation of the skin's water balance
• Stimulation of blood circulation
• Absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy layer
Recommendations for use — Mango Body Cream Nahrin (Narin)
Apply to the body and spread with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. Suitable for all skin types.
Manufacturer: "Justrich Cosmetics AG" ("Justrich Cosmetics AG").
Volume: 250 ml

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